Rheumatology Nursing: A Creative Approach
A new edition of an established research-based text on one of the fastest growing topics in nursing: nurses dealing with this complex subject need to be kept up to date and this book written by a team of expert rheumatology nurses fills that role.
The book’s emphasis is on addressing the patients’ problems, assessing the effects of the disease both on the body and psychologically and suggesting treatments best suited to the individual patient. It encourages nurses to work in partnership with the patients and their careers, adopting a holistic approach to care.
* Edited by an acknowledged international expert in the development of the specialty
* Covers the needs of all nurses involved with rheumatology patients both in hospital and at home
* Research-based and completely updated to include the latest developments in treatments available
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Nursing Assistant / Nurse Aid Exam, 2ed
Career opportunities for Nursing Assistants are growing every year, but it is extremely difficult to become part of this dynamic workforce. Candidates must pass a tough certification exam and meet employment requirements. This book is the best choice to prepare for the test and for a career as a Nursing Assistant. It offers four complete Nursing Assistant Exams, with full answer explanations and gives a list of resources for job placement services and professional organizations.
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Nusrsing Theories and Nursing Practice
Nursing Health Assessment A Critical Thinking Case Studies Approach
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient
A new edition of an established research-based text on one of the fastest growing topics in nursing: nurses dealing with this complex subject need to be kept up to date and this book written by a team of expert rheumatology nurses fills that role.
The book’s emphasis is on addressing the patients’ problems, assessing the effects of the disease both on the body and psychologically and suggesting treatments best suited to the individual patient. It encourages nurses to work in partnership with the patients and their careers, adopting a holistic approach to care.
* Edited by an acknowledged international expert in the development of the specialty
* Covers the needs of all nurses involved with rheumatology patients both in hospital and at home
* Research-based and completely updated to include the latest developments in treatments available
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Nursing Assistant / Nurse Aid Exam, 2ed
Career opportunities for Nursing Assistants are growing every year, but it is extremely difficult to become part of this dynamic workforce. Candidates must pass a tough certification exam and meet employment requirements. This book is the best choice to prepare for the test and for a career as a Nursing Assistant. It offers four complete Nursing Assistant Exams, with full answer explanations and gives a list of resources for job placement services and professional organizations.
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Nusrsing Theories and Nursing Practice
Nursing Health Assessment A Critical Thinking Case Studies Approach
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient