Buta warna umumnya disebabkan karena keturunan. Penyebab lainnya adalah kerusakan syaraf mata karena kecelakaan atau bawaan lahir. Menurut salah satu riset 5-8% pria dan 0,5% wanita dilahirkan buta warna. Dan 99% penderita buta warna termasuk dichromacy protanopia dan deuteranopia (disfungsi warna hijau). Jadi apakah anda juga buta warna?
Buta warna adalah suatu kelainan yang disebabkan ketidakmampuan sel-sel kerucut mata untuk menangkap suatu spektrum warna tertentu akibat faktor genetis.
Buta warna merupakan kelainan genetik / bawaan yang diturunkan dari orang tua kepada anaknya, kelinan ini sering juga disebaut sex linked, karena kelainan ini dibawa oleh kromosm X. Artinya kromosom Y tidak membawa faktor buta warna. Hal inilah yang membedakan antara penderita buta warna pada laki dan wanita. seoronga wanita terdapat istilah ‘pembawa sifat’ hal ini menujukkan ada satu kromosom X yang membawa sifat buta warna. Wanita dengan pembawa sifat, secara fisik tidak mengalami kelalinan buta warna sebagaimana wanita normal pada umumnya. Tetapi wanita dengan pembawa sifat berpotensi menurukan faktor buta warna kepada anaknya kelak.
Angka berapa yang anda lihat pada gambar diatas?
29 – 45 – 56 OK, selamat anda bebas dari buta warna.
Credit : http://www.robinsonscamera.com/color_blindness_test.htm
Tes Ishihara adalah tes buta warna yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Shinobu Ishihara. Tes ini pertama kali dipublikasi pada tahun 1917 di Jepang. Sejak saat itu, tes ini terus digunakan di seluruh dunia, sampai sekarang.
Tes buta warna Ishihara terdiri dari lembaran yang didalamnya terdapat titik-titik dengan berbagai warna dan ukuran. Titik berwarna tersebut disusun sehingga membentuk lingkaran. Warna titik itu dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga orang buta warna tidak akan melihat perbedaan warna seperti yang dilihat orang normal (pseudo-isochromaticism).
Lets Start
Both the normal and those with all sort of color vision deficiencies read it as 12.
The normal read this as 8. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 3. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.
The normal read this as 29. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 70. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.
The normal read this as 5. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.
The normal read this as 3. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 5. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.
The normal read this as 15. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 17. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.
The normal read this as 74. Those with red-green deficiencies read this as 21. Those with total color blindness cannot read any numeral.
The normal read this as 6. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.
The normal read this as 45. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.
The normal read this as 73. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.
The normal read this as 16. The majority of those with color vision deficiencies can not read them or read them incorrectly.
The normal read this as 42. In Protanopia and strong Protanomalia only 2is read, and in cases of mild Protanomalia the numeral is read, but the 2 is clearer than the 4. In Deuteranopia and strong Deuteranomalia only the 4 is read, and in the case of mild Deuteranomalia both numerals are read but the 4 is clearer than the 2.
The normal read this as 26. In Protanopia and strong Protanomalia only 6 is read, and in cases of mild Protanomalia the numeral is read, but the 6 is clearer than the 2. In Deuteranopia and strong Deuteranomalia only the 2 is read, and in the case of mild Deuteranomalia both numerals are read but the 2 is clearer than the 6.
In tracing the winding lines between the two X's, the normal trace along the Purple and Red lines, In Protanopia and strong Protanomalia, only the Purple line is traced, and in the case of mild Protanomalia both lines are traced but the Purple line is easier to follow. In Deuteranopia and strong Deuteranomalia only the Red line is traced, and in the case of mild Deuteranomalia both lines are traced but the Red line is easier to follow.
In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the line connecting the bluish-green and the yellowish-green, those with red-green deficiencies trace the line connecting the bluish-green and purple, and those with total color blindness cannot trace any line.
In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the orange line, but the majority of of those with color vision deficiencies are unable to follow the line or follow a line different from the normal one.
In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the normal trace the bluish-green line, but the majority of those with color vision deficiencies are unable to follow the line or follow a line different from the normal one.
In tracing the winding line between the two X's, the majority of those with red-green deficiencies trace along the line, but the majority of the normal and those with total color blindness are unable to follow the line.
Both the normal and those with all sort of color vision deficiencies can trace the winding line between the two X's.
Dibaca : 6
Dibaca : 5
Orang normal justru tak bisa melihat apapun, namun jika kamu buta warna justru terlihat angka 5 yang sangat jelas
mata normal bisa melihat kotak kuning dan lingkaran coklat, tapi mata buta warna hanya bisa melihat kotak kuning